Wednesday 4 November 2009

Feedback Feedback

We read through the feedback we were given by other groups in our class and have taken it all into consideration. We realized we still need to fill a large section of our work in which we thought lip syncing was the best way to fill this. This way we also stick to the Goodwin's points.

We had positive feedback about the different colour filters which was good as we were most proud about this and it took us a long time to do.

We decided to film some close ups of the female as we haven't got any yet so thought this would be a good idea to include some. This gives it a variety which was mentioned in a feedback from group 48.

Also filming different shots we will be able to replace the scenes which are repeated in the video which some groups did pick up on.

The lip syncing will be demonstrated by the band playing the chorus which we also still need to film.

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