17 Candles - The Pink Spiders.
When composing our video pitch there are some points which need to be addressed, they are:
The location

- The story/narrative
- The look/ feel of the video
- The tone
- The pace
- Colour
The location will be outside in a garden or field which will mean there will be almost fairy tale with fairy lights and lanterns creating the perfect atmosphere for a party where it will end in romance. This way we can fit in a crowd of people who have been invited to the party and also fit in the band playing.
Story/ Narrative:
The leading lady is throwing a party for her seventeenth birthday, after sending many invites the one person, a boy she likes doesn't turn up. This will obviously be an unhappy time for her starting the music video in a sad mood. She goes on to take comfort in the lead singer of the band playing at her party and realises that it is him who she likes creating a happier mood and making the video have a more cheerful ending.
Look/ feel:
Party atmosphere, darker look untill she becomes happy, busy but must capture the girls feeling of being alone, possible slow-motion. The band are dressed in skinny jeans and shirts and based around The Jonas Brothers like in the above picture.
Tone/ Colour:
Begins black and white to suite the mood of the video (sad and unhappy) but turns into colour when the mood changes (happier and enjoying her self) soft lighting produced mainly from candle light lanterns.
Goodwin's points.
Concerning genre characteristics, with our music video we've decided to class it in the indie/power pop genre. We're planning to stick the conventions around indie music videos.
We hope that our music video will incorporate the visual lyrics idea, for example when the band sing the line '17 Candles' we will do things like show the 17 candles on a birthday cake. The song is about an unhappy girl at a party and that's the main theme of our video. This helps bring in the idea that at the party the band will be performing helping create the visual music idea. As for selling the artist, if our group were to actually be 'The Pink Spiders' (the band that do the song originally) I believe we would be selling the artist, but because we're not, we cannot sell the artist. As for voyeurism, we feel that the need to show style when creating the video should be made evident. We want to portray the true meaning of the song behind the video in a stylistic way that should be enjoyable to watch for an audience.
For our digipack cover, we have decided to use a still from our footage. This way, the audience can link us with our other works and easily recognize from other leading bands. The still we decided to use on the digipack is the leading lady looking up towards the band which are centre stage on the cover. The setting is at the party so the scenery is outside with decoration such as balloons and lanterns. We were wondering if we should also have people who are at the party on the cover on it aswell but decided against this as it took the focus away from the female and band. As the song is called, " seventeen candles", we thought how we could portray this in the cover and thought it best if we kept it simple and put seventeen candles on a cake on a table in the corner of the left hand side so it would be shown but yet again, not taking the focal point away from the characters.