Wednesday, 21 October 2009


So far for our editing, we have managed to upload our footage onto Final Cut Express. We chopped it up into our different sections and placed them in the right slots to go with the music. As we still have to get some footage of our band playing, we have a few empty places where the chorus is which will be filled once we have filmed the band.

We have had some trouble with turning some of our footage black and white but we found out where we were going wrong and it was easy once we knew how to do it properly. We wanted to turn some of our balloons to colour when we had the rest black and white. We had to research into how we could do this and we had trouble adjusting the whole balloon to a certain colour. We changed the balloon to red but the females face also changed red. It took us a long time to finally figure out where we were going wrong and finally, we managed to turn the right parts red whilst keeping everything else black and white.

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