The pink spiders say that their music fits into Rock 'N' Roll/ power pop/ soul music genres. Below are specific mise-en-scene characteristics for each genre which we should follow when we compose our video.
Costumes: We are going to be looking at three different styles of costumes which are listed below:
Rock 'N' Roll:
Ripped jeans, waistcoats, shaggy long haircuts
Bouncing around the stage, head-banging, looking like they are having fun.
Power Pop:
Skinny jeans, shirts, jackets.
Bright neon colours, Sometimes cartoons, big "in your face" text.
Smartly dressed/formal.
Normally singer on cover, big smiles, a lot of text about the songs on front.
We are setting our music video in a garden of one of our group members. This way, we do not annoy other people and have the possibility of doing our video the way we want to without any distractions.